Nishangani Gowrikathan,
Sri Lanka
Engineering, Churchill College
PhD thesis: Functionally Layered Concrete.
Research interests:
1. Concrete structures.
2. Sustainable development.
3. Design optimisation.
4. Numerical modelling.
My PhD focuses on the concept of functionally layered reinforced concrete. This is a promising approach to target specific structural performance while employing less cement, which eventually reduces carbon emissions to the environment. However, layering introduces interfaces and differences in the layer mix compositions influence the integrity of the interface. Hence, this research will explore the use of layered concrete and scope suitable layer compositions that maximise the mechanical properties while minimising cement consumption. Experimental laboratory work to investigate the design and performance of layered concrete specimens and analytical and non-linear finite element modelling are envisaged.
Who or what inspired you to pursue your research interests?
I was exposed to the art of research during my undergraduate research project under Prof. Chinthaka Mallikarachchi where I realised that my ambition is to become a leading academic in the field of structural engineering. My interest towards learning, discovering new things, and conducting physical experiments inspired me to pursue this research interest. I am looking forward to making a little contribution to the field of structural engineering during my PhD.