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Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme


  Junhan Liu


  Physics, Lucy Cavendish College

  PhD thesis: TBC



Research interests:

  1. Theoretical high energy physics
  2. Particle phenomenology
  3. Precision calculation

I aim to work on the development of novel methods for computing multi-loop quantum corrections to multi-leg collider processes. The main focus would be the evaluation of the two-loop-five-point or three-loop-four-point Feynman diagrams with or without masses. A second purpose of this project would be to suggest a universal local subtraction scheme for the calculation of NNNLO corrections to collider processes. Hopefully, by the end of the project, the methodologies could be applied to the highest-value observation at the LHC with NNNLO precision especially concerning the top-quark pair production.

Who or what inspired you to pursue your research interests?

I was working with Professor Alexander Mitov on the evaluation of the Integration-by-part equations for the computation of Feynman integral. The complexity of the equations is perfectly characterised by a metaphor from Alex where he described those equations as a bowl of spaghetti. It is technically only a few disconnected noodles but the effort to disentangle them is unimaginable. Hence, I hope to build a better connection between the Maths and its underlying physics which can support us to a more direct approach of calculation, i.e. a natural but more tractable way to trace back the bowl of spaghetti.