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Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme


  Edoardo Labrini


  Biochemistry, Fitzwilliam College

  PhD thesis: Mediating inter-species interactions in a polymicrobial airway model



Research interests:

  1. Polymicrobial airway infections
  2. The pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  3. Quorum sensing
  4. Bacterial community dynamics

My project aims to deepen the knowledge about bacterial communities causing common airway infections like cold, laryngitis, pharyngitis or more serious pathologies like cystic fibrosis. Using a perturbable in vitro system capable of supporting polymicrobial airway cultures, I will study the behaviour of the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In particular, I will focus on the mechanisms of this pathogen to kill other bacterial species.

Who or what inspired you to pursue your research interests?

My interest started during my Master's degree internship, where I studied P. aeruginosa virulence. Microbiology has always fascinated me because it is a small world within our big world but it is fundamental to our life, even though unfortunately there are bad bacteria. It is therefore important to study them to find new effective therapies against these rapidly evolving microorganisms.